Why I decided to take the Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program

Why I decided to take the Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program?


The Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree program seemed like an appropriate choice for me to go ahead and take since I’ve been working in digital marketing for about a decade now. Technology, digital marketing methods, and marketing methods continue to evolve each year and while I of course have made it my business to stay in the know about various marketing trends and the success of various marketing methods, it’s still helpful at times to freshen up on the latest and greatest of digital marketing actions to take, technologies to utilize, and to find out “what’s hot and what’s not” – A clear and dated reference to the (in my opinion horrible) software with which the Facebook creator, Mark Zuckerberg, started his career in college.











Why did I trust Udacity?

I trusted Udacity as my chosen tool for enhancing my digital marketing resume because I have been dabbling with and taking many of the free courses they offered through the years and was aware that their teaching style is effective for my personal learning style.

Additionally, the fact that employees of 79 modern and relevant companies, including Fortune 500 companies, such as Google, Amazon, Hubspot, AT&T, Baidu, Facebook, and IBM to name but a few, are partner companies with Udacity and not only partner companies, but also co-creators of the Udacity coursework, reinforced the idea that the coursework would be fresh and important information as well as the idea that exposure to job opportunities would be truly viable. (Why didn’t Google make the fortune 500 list?? Something for me to research there…)

While those are two base reasons why I decided to take the Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree program, there is one other very big reason.

I am actually most interested in diving into the computer programming courses at Udacity. However, I wanted to make sure I have a bit more time to dedicate to those courses and since the Digital Marketing coursework was focused on a topic that I have had to eat, live, and breathe for so many years now, and that I have been doing consulting work with and actually training others regarding, I believed that it would take me less time to complete the Digital Marketing Nanodegree program so that I could finally get one of those nanodegrees under my belt that I have been drooling over these past few years, while at the same time help me freshen up my skill-set to best serve my clients and my personal business ventures, and meanwhile get me into the swing of daily Udacity coursework so that I can begin with the more technical computer programming language nanodegree of my choice once this is completed.


And if you are wondering which of the computer programming languages am I going to be focusing on next? Well….. Stay tuned….